Donald's Encyclopedia of Popular MusicA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZGRAHAM, Bill(b Wolfgang Grajonca, '31, Berlin; d 25 Oct. '91 in helicopter crash near San Francisco) Promoter. Identified with '60s West Coast scene, one of rock's greatest enterpreneurs. Born of Russian parents, made way via European orphanages to Bronx NY; fought in Korea, financed business studies by driving taxi. Moved into concert promotion 6 Nov. '65 as manager of San Francisco Mime Troupe: hired skating rink for benefit concert, Jefferson Airplane headlining. He renamed a venue (in the black ghetto) Fillmore; success of local bands made the hall's popularity, eventually a legend: he was the first to turn hippy music into cash. He renamed the Carousel Ballroom Fillmore West '67, simultaneously former cinema Village Theatre in NYC became Fillmore East (and short-lived record label concurrently). When he closed both venues '71 claiming that the subculture had become commercialized, critics claimed he had hastened the process. Continued in promoting tours by Bob Dylan, etc; managing bands like Airplane, later Santana; organized Watkins Glen pop festival 28 July '73 (with Grateful Dead, the Band etc; at more than 500,000 people the biggest yet); also Crosby Stills Nash and Young reunion tour '74, the Band's Last Waltz '76, Rolling Stones tour '82, etc. He was clearly in it for more than the money: witness '75 effort Snack (Students Need Athletics, Culture and Kicks), involvement in Live Aid '85, etc. But his power was such that bands crossed him at their peril. Devil or angel, many shared his feelings at the closure of the Fillmores: 'When we began the original Fillmore, I associated with the employed musicians. Now, more often than not, it's with officers and stockholders in large corporations -- only they happen to have long hair and play guitars. Woodstock was the beginning of the end.' Nevertheless as the concert business picked up '87 he was still at it, incl. 4 July gig in Moscow with Santana, James Taylor, Bonnie Raitt. |