Donald's Encyclopedia of Popular MusicA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZGOLDKETTE, Jean(b 18 May 1893, Patras Greece; d 24 March '62, Santa Barbara CA) Pianist, leader. Lived in Russia and Greece; family came to USA '11. Played piano in Chicago, Detroit; formed first band '22, signed with Victor and hired first-class talent: arrangers Russ Morgan and Bill Challis, sidemen Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey, Bix Beiderbecke, Eddie Lang, Joe Venuti, Frankie Trumbauer, etc. Took over Graystone Ballroom in Detroit when owners could not meet his payroll. Smaller, more flexible band than that of Paul Whiteman soon became legendary: allegedly cut the fledgling Fletcher Henderson band in performance, but business was not good enough despite hits on Victor '24--9, which do not reflect the band because a tin-eared producer didn't like Challis's arrangements or Bix's 'wrong' notes. Disbanded '27; farewell appearance at NYC's Roseland Ballroom. Many of the men went over to Whiteman. The business had been built up to incl. several bands (hired Don Redman to run McKinney's Cotton Pickers, the best of the lot); Jean Goldkette Inc. controlled the Graystone Company but both were controlled by the National Amusement Corporation, of which Charles Horvath was president; by the early '30s Goldkette and Horvath did not get along: Horvath was no doubt the better businessman and Goldkette wanted to be a concert pianist while still receiving an income from the agency. Played with Detroit Symphony Orchestra c'30; continued booking bands, led own bands occasionally, but the famous band remained his greatest hour. |